

Whatare the important documents for foreigners to work in China? Answer:Foreigner work permit Notice, Z visa, foreigner work permit and workresidence permit. Many foreigners will be confused about this. It iswell known that foreigners need to apply for a work visa to work inChina, but they do not know that there are foreigners work permitnotice, work permit and work residence permit, and do not know thesignificance and function of each document.


I.Notice of work permit for foreigners


Thefirst step for foreigners who want to work in China is to get a workpermit notice. The system input foreigners information, upload thenon-criminal certificate and education certificate and otherdocuments, after passing the review, you can get the work permitnotice (Chinese and English versions). The Notice is valid for onlythree months. You need to take the Notice to the Chinese embassy toapply for a work visa within three months. If it expires, it willbecome invalid.


II.Z visa


TheZ visa is issued by Chinese embassies and consulates overseas. It isvalid for 3 months. Foreigners need to enter China within 3 monthsand apply for work residence permit within 30 days after enteringChina.


III.Work permit


Foreignerswork permit is one of the necessary documents for foreigners to workin China, whether it is entry or transfer or resignation need toprovide a work permit. No new permit will be issued when the workpermit is extended every year. This certificate can be used all thetime. The two-dimensional code information will be changed in realtime.


IV.Work residence permit


Foreignerswith Z visas are required to apply for work and residence permits atthe entry and exit within 30 days after entry with work permits andother required materials.


Accordingto Article 41 of the Exit and Entry Administration Law of thePeoples Republic of China, foreigners who work in China shall obtainwork permits and work-type residence permits in accordance withrelevant regulations. No unit or individual shall employ foreignerswho have not obtained work permits or work-type residence permits.


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